Nothing is permanent except change


Circular Health

This book takes a considered look back at how the concept of health initially developed and subsequently evolved in the face of contemporary discoveries. By considering the personal experiences of many leading scientists of their respective days, the reader understands how lateral and cross-disciplinary thinking were the keys elements that drove the enormous knowledge gains required to arrive at our current overall societal health view.

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#Pandemic #BirdFlu alert.

✴️#H5N1 cases in cattle are exploding: “#USDA reports 38 new #H5N1 #birdflu infected herds today, 30 in California & 8 in Utah.” 441 herds now affected.

✴️The virus is now affecting pigs. Pigs are excellent mixing vessels for reassortment…

In 2022: 3200 dead Caspian terns, 850 Caspian gulls + 1200 Pallas’s gulls in Kazakhstan. Detected mutations that enhance virulence of H5N1 viruses in mammals